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The original was posted on /r/nba by /u/sewsgup on 2023-11-06 20:11:55.

Original Title: “I came [to Miami] for one reason, to win championships,” James said. “That was my only goal. That was the only reason I teamed up with Wade and Bosh. Because I felt like I couldn’t do it in Cleveland. We couldn’t. … I tried to recruit guys to come to Cleveland—help upstairs, it wasn’t happening”

“I came here for one reason and one reason only, and that was to win championships,” James said. “That was my only goal. That was the only reason I teamed up with [Dwyane] Wade and [Chris] Bosh. Because I felt like I couldn’t do it in Cleveland. We couldn’t. … I tried to recruit guys to come to Cleveland. I tried to go and help the upstairs and it wasn’t happening. So I had an opportunity to be a free agent so I did what I thought was best, not only for my career but for me at that point in time.”