• partial_accumen@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The real eyes you’ve never used in your entire life open for the first time. Even though the ambient light is low, it makes your eyes hurt like staring at the sun. After minutes your eyes adjust and you realize the deep red glow of the light is really the only color present. Your muscles barely work, as you try to sit up. Somewhere behind you hear faint gurgling sounds. You become aware of an acrid odor circulating in the large room. A smell of decay. A few meters away you see another body pod open, like your own, a partial decomposed arm hangs over the side of the pod. You realize that while some body pods still function. You’re surrounded by the recent and long deceased.

    On the wall opposite your body pod you see large words carefully and clearly painted on the giant wall. It reads:

    “Our children, we failed you. We destroyed the world and your future. You are the last of us. The only gift we could give you was the illusion of a long and normal life span. If you’re reading this, then we failed you there too. We are sorry.”

    You want to scream, but the most you can do is a slight gurgling sound.