Hillary trained crows to unionize while forcibly vaccinating a flag.
Obama created covid in the pantry of a Marxist pizzeria
Shouldn’t your’s be “whilst getting gay married”? H for humming bee
The deep state drank the blood of a bald Eagle on a socialist dare.
George Soros faceswapped with Mike Pence because everyone’s a secret Muslim.
Hunter Biden created COVID because everyone’s a secret Muslim.
AOC bought stock in Antifa while getting gay married.
Totally plausible.
Sounds like it would actually run on Fox News
Hunter Biden trained crows to unionize while getting gay married.
The deep state drank the blood of a bald eagle in the pantry of a Marxist Pizzaria.
The deep state faceswapped with Mike pence while wearing a hijab… That one is a mind fuck
AOC can shapeshift into a foodstamp while getting gay married
Nice try chaGPT. You’re not getting my info.
My favorite color is a rainbow, so Obama did everything in the middle to keep the lizard overlords happy.
And none of it worked! 😱
The deep state drank the blood of a blad eagle to keep the whites down
Wow Tom I thought we were friends
Bidena cospiracy lol, need anotherone that one is becoming true :(