This guy thinking that girl would have fucked him if only he kept playing FIFA is like the RIAA decades ago thinking I would have bought the CD for an mp3 I downloaded if only there wasn’t Napster.
Napster? Here, take my seat, I can stand.
Thank you, sonny. Here, have a nickel and go get yourself something nice from the candy store.
Bruh if your life was dependant on FIFA you lost from day 1
Ah yes, the love of anon’s life - the chick that fucks random dudes in a frat house toilet, and they say romance isn’t real 😍
Anon plays one game on his PC for years and years and blames his mom for it lmao
Isn’t Fifa cross platform?
Is there a prerequsite for greentext to be completely made up?
Plays LoL and life is ruined, seems legit to me. /jk
Yes, have you ever seen a single one that seemed true?
This one^
I’ve only joined this sub a few days ago, so, I guess, no :(
Just enjoy the silly stories, they’re all made up (just like every post on the internet)