President Biden appears positioned to benefit from massive sums in undisclosed donations from the main outside super PAC backing his 2024 candidacy, records indicate. Biden’s team promoted the Future Forward PAC as the leading external group to rake in big money to help his candidacy, The New York Times reported in July. At the time, Future Forward told the publication it had raised $50 million this year. Records show that money is presumably in its affiliated dark money nonprofit, Future Forward USA Action. During the first half of the year, the Future Forward PAC reported just $67,000 in contributions, according to its recently released mid-year report. The receipts came entirely from a vendor refund and in-kind donations from the nonprofit for staff time and overhead.  Future Forward’s nonprofit, which hides its donors, has transferred tens of millions to the PAC for electoral activity in recent years. This setup positions Biden’s candidacy to receive a boost from anonymous benefactors as the nonprofit sits on a large amount of cash before the election ramps up.  GEORGE SOROS BANKROLLS MYSTERIOUS INSTITUTION LOOKING TO FLIP TEXAS TO DEMOCRATS, RECORDS SHOW “The same Joe Biden who once said ‘dark money erodes public trust’ is now being propelled by millions in dark money,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News Digital. "It’s this type of blatant political hypocrisy that the American people can’t stand. “Given what we’ve unmasked about the foreign dark money bankrolling the left’s political network, this raises serious questions about the source of the massive, anonymous sums of money influencing President Biden’s re-election.” Future Forward’s funneling of secretive donations could leave Americans in the dark about who is assisting the premiere outside Biden super PAC for the 2024 elections.  BIDEN NOMINEE WHO FAILED SENATE CONFIRMATION STILL LEADING ADMIN’S CRACKDOWN ON GAS CARS Fox News Digital previously reported that a substantial amount of its cash was passed through a web of nonprofits overseen by the Arabella Advisors consulting firm, which manages a billion-dollar dark money network. These actions add another layer of secrecy that further conceals its original donors.  One of the dark money groups, the Impetus Fund, had flown entirely under the radar. The Impetus Fund sent most of its undisclosed cash — $55.8 million — to Future Forward USA Action during the last presidential cycle, according to tax documents. Future Forward USA Action, meanwhile, has transferred $77 million into the Future Forward PAC since the 2020 election, which has made up more than 40% of the $181 million the PAC raised during this time. After spending $141 million on independent expenditures the last presidential cycle, senior White House adviser Anita Dunn said Future Forward “really earned its place as the pre-eminent super PAC” to back Biden this time around.  “In 2020, when they really appeared from nowhere and started placing advertising, the Biden campaign was impressed by the effectiveness of the ads and the overall rigorous testing that had clearly gone into the entire project,” Dunn told The New York Times.  Future Forward did not respond to a request for comment.