• pixxelkick@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    To the best of our knowledge, only 25% of the camp’s occupants were U of A students.

    Your knowledge smells like utter bullshit, how would you possibly even know that number? How would you, at all, know who is you?

    Did you send someone in to go around asking everyone for their ID and classify anyone who didnt show ID as not a student?

    Theres literally zero way they could know this number, how could they have possibly figured out who is who?

    Although we had asked encampment members to remove all the pallets, we found 17 wood pallets located within 150 meters of the encampment.

    So… they removed them then, so you had to pick an insanely huge arbitrary distance to “still count” as a problem. 150 meters is actually an insane distance to try and “still count”

    When the tents were dismantled yesterday morning, we found potential weapons, including hammers, axes and screwdrivers, along with a box of needles.

    Holy shit imagine framing standard tools as “dangerous weapons” to try and sound like you did the right thing.

    A fucking box of needles, hammers? Screwdrivers? Better watch out custodians, they’ll send the cops after you next. Watch out he has a broom!

    Actual fascist behavior, but 100% par for the course of UofA.

    The UofA have always been bootlickers, never forget that.

    I also love how for *years people have complained about the constant issue of homeless people all over the campus and it was never deemed an issue despite all sorts of issues occurring, and the UofA being deeply inept about it.

    But now suddenly they magically can ID everyone as student or not (bullshit), finding “potential weapons” (literally just tools), suddenly give a shit about cleaning and maint (wood pallets that were 150 meters away), and the safety of their students?

    Bootlicking fascists, through and through.