Ran across this fun study from last year finding ongoing hypoxia in people weeks after they’d recovered from the acute infection. Fun! doomer

Objective: Systemic hypoxia occurs in COVID-19 infection; however, it is unknown if cerebral hypoxia occurs in convalescent individuals. We have evidence from other conditions associated with central nervous system inflammation that hypoxia may occur in the brain. If so, hypoxia could reduce the quality of life and brain function. This study was undertaken to assess if brain hypoxia occurs in individuals after recovery from acute COVID-19 infection and if this hypoxia is associated with neurocognitive impairment and reduced quality of life.

Results: Fifty-six percent of the post-COVID-19 participants self-reported having persistent symptoms (from a list of 18), with the most reported symptom being fatigue and brain fog. There was a gradation in the decrease of oxyhemoglobin between controls, and normoxic and hypoxic post-COVID-19 groups (31.7 ± 8.3 μM, 27.8 ± 7.0 μM and 21.1 ± 7.2 μM, respectively, p = 0.028, p = 0.005, and p = 0.081). We detected that 24% of convalescent individuals’ post-COVID-19 infection had reduced StO2 in the brain and that this relates to reduced neurological function and quality of life.