The UK government quietly released the official figures for Covid deaths in 2022.

The data reveals that the triple+ vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022.

This means we’ve gone from 76.5% of Covid deaths being among the vaccinated and 23.5% of deaths being among the unvaccinated in 2021, to 94% of Covid deaths being among the vaccinated and just 6% of deaths being among the unvaccinated in 2022.

    1 year ago

    I find this interesting but those numbers don’t really mean anything if it doesn’t mention what percentage of the population is vaccinated.

    • Kapow@exploding-heads.comOPM
      1 year ago

      Except if the Covid vaccine worked and you are vaccinated, you should not die as a result of Covid regardless of how many people were vaccinated

        1 year ago

        Only if you are assuming a vacine is a 100% prevention. It is not and has never claimed to be.

        It dramatically reduces the effects of a case. Reducing the risk of death not eliminating it. Those who were extreamly vonerable are still at risk. The vacine just reduces the risk of healthy people passing it on to them.

        • Kapow@exploding-heads.comOPM
          1 year ago

          Death is a pretty big risk that it should have reduced and if 92% of Covid Deaths are triple vaxed there is no way any such reduction could have been significant.

          It is already well documented that the covid VAX did not reduce transmission

            1 year ago

            That is not how % works. And why above says % vaccinated Matter to be able to interpret results.

            If 100000 people die the 92000 are vacinated. It is very different to if 1000 die and 920 are vaccinated. (Invented numbers)

            The vaccination can still be argued to have saved over 91000 people.

            But you need all the other figures to be able to draw any provable conclusions.

            Edit to be more clear. What your looking for is even less about % then op.

            The figures you need to express the data you want is actual number of deaths. Over the pre and post vaccination period.

            Venerable people (I’m one) are nearly all triple vaccinated. Immune compromised are the most venerable. That group often are not. Because the vaccination can be a huge risk to some.

            But the rest of us withnother conditions that mean we can die from covid. Tend to be vaccinated.

            But we all know the main advantage of vaccination is not stopping us dieing if we catch it. But reducing the risk of us ever catching it. Because everyone else has a high % vaccinated.

            But no vax is 100%. And anti vaxers dramatically increase the risk as for them it is 0 % effective. Drematically increasing the number of people,ewalking around contagious.

            But no matter what it was always known that no vac could 100% stop the virus. Just reduce the amount of people entering hospital. To the point the medical profession could keep up.

            The only figures that give us that data. Is the number of pre vac deaths vs post vac deaths.

            Also the % of hospital admissions vs deaths from the 2 times is useful.

            But as we always knew people like me are more prown to death with or without the vaccine. And nearly all have the vac now. The % of vexed deaths isn’t of value to your question. Only the change in actual numbers.

        1 year ago

        Well, you’re not wrong, if vaccines were 100% affective there would be no deaths if vaccinated. The problem is the vaccine was made for the original strain and it has since mutated and now the vaccine isn’t near as affective as it once was. This of course does not mean it didn’t prevent deaths initially. I do agree however that now there isn’t near as much benefit to getting it.