Especially annoying as more educational stuff is put online. You pause to look at a graph and surprise you can’t.
They’ve recently changed the behavior in the YouTube app so when you try to stop casting from your phone to a Chromecast (just about the only way I watch) you just sever your connection between phone and TV. The Chromecast will still be running YouTube and can be controlled by my TV remote. This death grip on the pixels on my screens is just… Sad.
Sony is doing this on their new Bravia line. The images are horrible. I took a big ass tv back for my money. All they want is to control and filter to “better”. It is not better.
No issues with smarttube!
Cant pause a youtube video if you dont watch youtube videos.
Have not yet tried
What are your thoughts?No iOS version, so no opinion.
not if I use Vivaldi as my primary internet browser
You use Vivaldi on your Smart TV?