Omar loaf
Ashley’s copy of Der Katzenprinz on the table.Scene: Late 80s/Early 90s timeframe during holiday months with several teens in a small town in the vein of Stranger Things.
Taliesin: age16 Rogue:
[Orderborne Community]
(edgelord mall ninja) the only one with a license and a car. Dad’s a cop.
“Nightwalker”: (ability to move from shadow to shadow) mark a Stress to disappear and decide what shadows (in range) to reappear in.
Experience/Domains:- ??
- My Dad Told Me
- I’m Holding
- Wanna Blow Some Shit Up?
Marisha: age16 Ranger: Wayfinder
“Gifted Tracker”:knows their way around town
[Wanderborne Community]
“Ruthless Predator”: Mark a stress to gain one bonus to your proficiency for a damage roll. When dealing severe damage to an enemy they must mark a stress.
“Path Forward”: When returning to a visited location or carrying an object from that location, the shortest path is revealed
Experience/Domains:- ??
- Don’t Get Caught
- Gnarly Kick Flip
- Spent Some Time Overseas]
Travis: age16 Warrior: Call of the Brave
[Wildborne Community]
“Hedging your Bets”: gain Hope when losing Fear rolls
“Battle Ritual”:(once per long rest) When the odds aren’t in your favor, describe a ritual or preparations made. Clear two stress, gain two hope.
Experience/Domains:- Gotta Catch Me First
- ??
- ??
- Hardheaded
Laura: age17 Guardian: Vengeance (gaining an extra Stress slot)
[Loreborne Community]
Experience/Domains:- Do You Know Who My Dad Is?
- Homecoming Queen
- Daddy’s Credit Card
- Lean on Me
Sam: age14 Wizard: School of Knowledge
(Only Jewish kid?) [Loreborne Community]
“Prepared”:Take an additional Domain card at level or lower.
“Adept”:Mark a Stress instead of spending Hope to use ‘an experience’ and double the experience modifier
Experience/Domains:- Class Clown
- ‘I Saw That Episode’
- PC World Subscription
- ??
siblings and making Matt Play Mom Music Teacher and Sex Ed Teacher
Ashley: age15 Druid: Warden of the Elements (mark a Stress and channel an element (fire, earth, water, air)
[Highborne Community]
Experience/Domains:- ??
- Such A Try Hard
- Murder She Wrote Fan
- Trapper Keeper
Liam: age17 Bard: Wordsmith “Spellcast Presence”
[Highborne Community]
“Rousing Speech”: Allies in range clear 2 Stress
“Heart of a Poet”: After attempting to Impress/Persuade/Offend someone, spend a Hope to add 1d4 to the roll.
Experience/Domains:- ??
- Center of Attention
- Master Thespian
- ??
by Milo Milo