Police in Greece have confirmed that separate inquiries are under way into the deaths of the two 18-year-old classmates, Andrew O’Donnell and Max Wall.

Mr O’Donnell is believed to have fallen and hit his head while walking home to his hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police spokesman Konstantine Dimoglidou said: ‘He must have taken a wrong path.’

Shortly after Mr O’Donnell’s body was found on Sunday morning, his friend Mr Wall collapsed from shock when told about the death of his friend, according to local media, with reports saying the youngster had a history of heart problems.

The pair were on a post-exam holiday celebrating the end of their secondary education with dozens of classmates from Dublin’s St Michael’s College when tragedy struck.

Irish Tánaiste Micheál Martin yesterday said: 'It is devastating and the most traumatic news that any parent could hear and it is every parent’s nightmare and many of our sons and daughters go abroad after Leaving Certificates and after exams.