Youtube has deleted a popular Hungarian news channel, PS TV, sparking a major backlash in the country, including from the country’s news publishers, which are decrying the extreme censorship.

According to a statement from the Hungarian National Media Association, “It is unacceptable that a platform provider established to broadcast media content should, in breach of its own contractual terms, remove the channel of a media service provider registered in Hungary, operating in full compliance with Hungarian law and publishing content that does not violate Hungarian law, without any explanation. We assure the editorial staff of our support and urge the publisher of Pesti Srácok to use all legal remedies against global censorship and show the world that the activities of platform providers can be tolerated.”

The statement, which was signed by almost the entire Hungarian national press, was published in solidarity with PestiSrá, which ran the PS TV Youtube channel before its deletion.

PestiSrá will protest against the media giant’s decision in front of Google’s headquarters in Buda on Friday at 5:00 p.m., and later in court. The move is reminiscent of Bolshevik methods used during the occupation of Hungary. It is truly shocking that Google, the company that runs Youtube, did not even inform the editorial office of the reason for the complete deletion of the very popular public video channel.