Republicans want a dictatorship.
Republicans want a dictatorship.
Google+ did it and it didn’t work.
ignores the fact that multiple shots-at-different-exposures-combined-at-print-time has been used in film for nearly as long as we’ve had film cameras.
Multi shot for HDR in film is restricted to still life because film is very slow compared to digital. There’s no film camera that will automatically change the stops to make that feasible. So it’s take a shot, adjust settings, take another, adjust settings. At the low and high end you’d need to swap film stock between shots.
@Blue_Morpho responded about how film is so bad that Kubrik choose digital,
??? I said to achieve low light performance on FILM, Kubrick needed a lens that was (and is) so special that only 10 exist in the world. What was possible for Kubrick using extraordinarily rare and expensive equipment is achieved by anyone with a common digital camera today.
So while you can find references to film that matches digital, it is so extreme that it isn’t valid. It would be like someone using the cryogenic cooled sensor in the $10B Webb telescope for their argument.
I don’t know about that. What if Poland goes right wing Russian for a single election. Gets ejected. Russia invades Poland. Then what? If you are then going to protect them, there was no point to the ejection.
IMO it needs to be a permanent union to be strong. Like the United States after the Civil War.
Film is so bad in low light that Kubrick had to obtain 3 of the 10 NASA lenses to film Barry Lyndon. Any modern digital can take better low light pictures than the best film.
play great on a smartphone.
Physical controls are a necessity for retro games. Get a Miyoo Mini Plus or equivalent. They make retro games playable.
Example? I think you can answer your question by putting the sound you are hearing into audacity. Look at before and after. I suspect the low pass isn’t perfectly removing all high frequencies. Plus in a real piano there are low frequencies present from the mechanics of the wood keys and hammers.
I wonder how long this will be legal. Elon likely has his lawyers planning lawsuits against people for not buying Teslas.
It’s my favorite Trek since DS9. I need to re watch it. I was annoyed by Mariner and Boimler during the first episodes. But they had fantastic character development that made the first episodes necessary.
More of that 18-24 demographic voted for Trump than before.
McConnell is doing his classic centrist posturing. The only reason he didn’t vote for Trump’s pick is he didn’t need to because there is a big enough Republican majority. This gave him the opportunity to grandstand. Whenever there’s a vote where his vote matters, he always votes for Trump.
“I’ve been working seven days a goddamn week since COVID, and I come in, and—where is everybody else?
That’s a lie just like Elon Musk used to regularly tell. Then in the next interview Elon would talk about how he never missed any of his kid’s soccer games.
Dimon has 3 daughters. He hasn’t been working 7 days a week. He probably did it once and takes a few phone calls on the weekend and considers that “working 7 days”.
Media requires money. Republicans have the backing of Billionaires and foreign states.
Fox news is the largest media company in the US with 43% market share. Newsmax is at 10 and Oan is at 7. That’s 60% right wing not including non traditional media like Joe Rogan which has more viewers/listeners than CBS/NBC/ABC news.
(Joe Rogan at 14 M. CBS has 4M, NBC 7M, ABC 8M)
So mainstream media is Right wing. Additionally unlike left wing media which will criticize anyone, Right Wing Media is extremely Trump loyal. So on one side you have criticism of left and right while Fox/Newsmax/OAN only criticize the left. This creates a right wing bias for mainstream media.
Mainstream media is controlled by Republicans. It is not possible to get any message out to all Americans. Left wingers will not defend their Left leaders the way Right Wingers defend their leaders so any Dem that sticks their neck out will be attacked by the Right and get no protection.
But but but, it’s the Democrats fault for not running a better campaign! /s
12tb drives are $150. What are you looking for?
??? This article had nothing to do with “moderates failing at government”
It was an analysis of government management methods independent of political ideology. It showed that training low level managers improves performance more than sweeping changes which have a temporary boost at the cost of long term failure.
They are a minority party so they have no levers. The Right has tens of thousands who will risk jail to threaten the left about anything. The left politicians have no citizens that will stand up and protect them the way the right has protection.
It’s right there along the bottom.