
  • 21 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • On 9/25, United States District Court Judge Yandle ruled on those motions. While noting that WWE and the other defendants had argued that including Orton’s tattoos were done in order to present him as true to life as possible, the video games were a commercial enterprise and the inclusion of the same tattoos in the create a wrestler feature of the games undercut the argument, since the Alexander’s tattoos could be used on characters who clearly were not Orton. So, the judgment against the defendants would stand.

    What game allows you to use another wrestlers tattoos like this, I can’t remember any but I didn’t play with CAW’s very much because I’m as creative as Vince Russo. This is the only part where conceivably I agree with her case, if they were allowing you to put it on different workers, maybe it’s a violation.

    Yet, these tattoo lawsuits are insane to me, the artist should not get to claim another human in perpetuity.

  • To be fair, I didn’t like the Uso’s tribal face paint tag team, I liked Jey the Bloodline member that realized Roman was the problem and was built enough that I thought I’d like to see him beat Roman over Cody… then they gave him Yeet, and it’s all he does now, it reminds me of the Yip-Yips on Sesame Street… Yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet… I wish Bronson and Braun would yeet him off my screen.

    What does Yeet mean these days? Any young people here? In my day it was to toss something, or throw it.

  • I love this long term monster fight, there was the meme thread had the Peter Griffin - Chicken Fight and that’s really what it reminds me of and I love it. I also liked the vignette for them where they look like Godzilla and Kong going through the city.

    Dom has got to have a weapon in his pocket to drop to Liv for the finish, or they’ll have the Judgment Day pull the DX trick, if I remember right Chyna was put into the shark cage by Commissioner Slaughter and the New Age Outlaws helped get her out by lowering the cage or something, but I may be wrong it’s been a long time.


    I went to the archives to find it. It’s Unforgiven: In Your House 1998, most famous for the first Undertaker and Kane inferno match.

    To keep Chyna from interfering Slaughter ordered her into the cage and had it raised off the ground. She fights with the cage until using her super strength to bend the bars so she can get out, and the New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg) lowers it. Slaughter and a bunch of refs come out to block her, it distracts Owen Hart who breaks his sharpshooter on Triple H allowing X-Pac to come in and hit Owen with a fire extinguisher from behind and Triple H wins.

  • This is that shit MLW was in court over with WWE swooping in and saying don’t you dare work with them.

    • ECW on TNN

    • MLW on Tubi

    • (Maybe MLW on Reelz depending on who you want to believe.)

    • NWA on CW

    It may not actually be WWE, but this sure happens a lot when they get on channels. Hell, the NWA stuff may not be correct, but… if it walks like a duck.

    Edit: Bullet Points

    Edit 2: Should be interesting to see if WOW follows, they appear on some CW affiliates.