• 9 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023

  • I have absolutely zero issues with lefties. Hell, I am one.

    I do have an issue with the tankie dumbfucks who will STILL talk about “Genocide Joe” when we have video evidence of trump saying he outright wants the Palestinians eradicated and thinks Biden is too soft on them.

    But also: The average person didn’t watch that debate. Or they ducked out in horror when Biden came out sounding like death. They are going to be listening to what influencers say. Some of those influencers are people with incredibly smart teams behind them who focus on the issues and social justice (e.g. John Oliver). Others literally go to the bathroom while playing the work of others and then shit on said work while claiming to be a leftist.

    And others still are “that friend who is really political” who is mostly parroting what other influencers have said.

  • Certain outsiders aside, Democrats are really good about getting their shit together behind closed doors.

    So I think the convention will be pretty boring. The closed room meetings and email chains are batshit insane and someone is going to make bank on a tell-all book when they leak that… assuming literacy is not illegal by that point.

    That said: We can’t get rid of Biden. He can’t “run away” from trump and we still had a pretty good four years all points considered. But we need to replace Kamala. Even ignoring that significant parts of the country hate her because she is brown, asian, and a woman, she is also a cop and has done nothing to really build her profile.

    So make up an excuse for Kamala to need to step aside and get someone more charismatic as the VP. Basically what the republicans tried with mccain (ugh) and palin (ugh!). This immediately makes people a lot more comfortable with “what if Biden dies?” but also builds up a candidate for 2028.

  • I guess…

    Biden fucked up. But I don’t think this really changes anything.

    Nobody is voting for Biden because we like him. We are voting for him because we give a shit about human rights and democracy. And democrats generally are good at actually listening to what is being said because… we want things.

    republicans hate biden and are just happy they heard that brown people are killing and raping everyone. Nothing changed there

    What Biden needed to do was win over the dumbass moderate/“undecided” voters. Which… is not talking points or policy. It is strongman bullshit. And that… is going to almost be entirely up to The Internet. Do we focus on Biden stuttering and having aphasia that he has had for decades? Or do we focus on trump blatantly lying and still talking about asking Nancy Pelosi to lead an insurrection for him?

    John Oliver and the rest of the late night hosts are going to be working overtime to remind the country that having a deranged fascist in charge is bad. The Hasans of the world are going to keep talking about “Genocide Joe” because they are useful idiots, at best. But… I don’t know beyond that.’

    That said, I do think about the questionably accurate story that nixon (ugh) won his debate against kennedy (lesser ugh) among radio versus television listeners.

    Biden mostly won in terms of text. He lost in terms of audio. But… people live on twitter and social media. How many people are going to be watching clips versus reading excerpts and tweets?