Palacegalleryratio [he/him]

Red panda because Dirt Owl said so.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Yeah the perfect block counter move is way better than the combos for being actually achievable - especially as a lower levelled character. I do really like the combos when you git gud and can pull them off they’re super satisfying. KCD is weird because it feels like it should be a pure player skill game like dark souls or something timing blocks and strikes, but it actually isn’t, its actually secretly like xcom or something where everything has percentage chance dependant on yours and your opponents levels and how accurately you hit the timing windows. So it can be super frustrating as a new player because you try to block / strike / combo and you can do everything correctly but because you’re playing a peasant boy fighting an experienced mercenary solider you don’t pull it off and get stomped - but the game doesn’t feed that back to you. It’s a bit off putting. Then later when you’re high leveled fighting a low level bandit you can lazily mash whatever button you want and miss the timing window by miles and you’ll still make mincemeat of your foes regardless.

    Also yeah mace>>than sword for anyone in armour.

  • I super enjoyed it. My general advice is to train with Captain Bernard until you git gud. Both you personally learning the combat system but also Henry levelling up. Also my personal advice is to session herb picking (collect every marigold, nettle and belladonna, there is a good spot to find them in the fields half way between Neuhof and Rattay) and do loads of alchemy - it’s super dull but one you have infinite saviour schnapps and marigold decoctions you can make loads of money and have access to health and save points. Then you can take the game in a more exciting way as you can boss combat and take more risks. Otherwise just nothing else like KCD. Really immersive and fun game.

  • This game doesn’t let me immediately live out my fantasy of being a big man elite operator type and sorting out problems with a single bullet. real-navi-patriot

    (Shooting a gun is a thing I could conceivably do in real life - unlike solving a situation with words or any other intelligent interaction, which is totally beyond me, as is taking advice/learning from a woman, all of whom I consider subhuman and beneath me)

  • Other than what you’ve mentioned. When I go hiking for long periods of time away from facilities I often go to these staples:

    Breakfast: premix portions of dried milk powder and oats to use as instant porridge, add in some salt some sugar and some freeze dried raspberries for taste.

    Lunch: a hard tack / cake thing made with flour, oats and suet flavoured with dried fruit. Keep forever and very energy dense and quite tasty.

    Dinners: (other than dehydrated meals which are always good for expeditions) couscous. Bulgar wheat. Rice, pasta, noodles. Dried meats and fish. If you’ve got a dehydrator you can make things like dehydrated roast peppers or other veggies. Things like butternut squash, potatoes, onions etc don’t actually need refrigeration, just to be kept cool and dark. Also if you’re not travelling anything you can grow - herbs like parsley, chives etc add so much to a meal.

    Snacks: flapjack, nuts, chocolate, dried fruit (dried mango is my all time favourite) fresh fruits etc.