Dude same, one of the only times my dads ever cried
Dude same, one of the only times my dads ever cried
Those are gators! This man must be an Aussie
I’d actually be concerned if there weren’t, Philly and chaotic/violent sports reactions are one of the only thing I feel I can count on
If only Dale hadn’t died
Where is this man gaining access to so many crocs?
Knockaround solid quality and price point.
No doubt, he’s not absolved in any capacity. I just feel bad for the actual child he once was, not the man that child became
I actually have some sympathy for young Trump, in the same way I feel a little bad for young Kissinger because he was beaten up by Nazis. Fuck everything about who he’s become and what he’s done, burn him at the stake. But from what I’ve heard about his childhood and family that was probably a really shitty way to be a kid
Dirty fucking dangles boys
I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the Showdy, BtB at least has Robert’s deep cynicism, I don’t know if I have it in me to watch Cody’s broken spirit
This actually is still helpful for us white dudes, if you meet another white guy that gets pissy about exclusive spaces you know that person isn’t worth talking to anymore!
You buy this from Xzibit?
Be even more of a shame if they kept doing it for over an hour. A real shame that would be
Alex is doing his own predictive programming now!
Immediately. My only close friends at this point in my life are women
Same here, this sounds like the best thing I dare hope for at this point
The Tale of Samuel Whiskers
If it’s anything like what current mainstream country music has been since roughly 9/11 then no wonder the bigots love it when it’s not a black woman. Nothing out of Nashville has really been good since the 90s
I had completely forgotten about how much this book fucked me up as a kid!
I told Pierce a thousand times never wanted to meet LeVar in person! I just wanted an autographed picture! You can’t disappoint an autograph! I hate you Pierce! I hate you!