Sehe nicht, warum das den Gegnern etwas bringen sollte, außer Schadenfreude.
Sehe nicht, warum das den Gegnern etwas bringen sollte, außer Schadenfreude.
yeah, but I’m not sure there’s enough going on for me yet. keeping an eye on it
gotta drill for that oil and gas, because apparently the planet isn’t hot enough already /s
missed chance to name it oil and gas land, because that’s what it’s about
also different formats at https://www.gutenberg.org/
uhm, there is no algorithm. just choice to subscribe a bunch at once. i don’t even know all meme communities, so how can i subscribe all of them? there is no way at the moment. even if someone knew all and subscribed to them, chances are, if a new one gets created, they will never see it, because they are just getting their subscribed memes.
It’s like you want to misunderstand me. I’m not bashing Wayland. That part of my comment isn’t about WMs and compositors. It’s about how hard it is to make macro that does a few clicks and types a few keys into an app etc… It’s still very hard in Wayland. I’m sure it will get better some day, but we’re not there yet.
what we actually need is categoy trees we can subscribe or block, like block all sports, but allow soccer or subscribe to all memes, except shitposting. it’s not good to curate it for all users.
btw when i used reddit many years ago, when signing up, they asked to pick from a tag cloud for the home feed. if we had categories, we could do something like that as well.
i think it looks more like cracks. either way, it doesn’t look so good.
No, I mean having to go vegan… but tbh I’m not a big fan of the economy either 😄
To clarify: This causes problems like ugly font rendering and some games not working, etc.
You misunderstood totally. I’m not saying it’s not possible. There isn’t a compositor making use of those things, but many X WMs that do.
Java GUI applicatiins have to use the X compatibility layer of Wayland at the moment, because Wayland support hasn’t been integrated into JREs yet
sry, i don’t use youtube. the clickbait suggestions anger me.
Depends things like shaped window borders for theming, title bars in hyprland, effects, pagers, some automation options, etc…
What I generally miss in Wayland is better mouse automation support, Java support, the ability to have multiple mouse cursors and assign them to different input devices.
He’s saying it like it was a bad thing.
Not sure if related, but I saw this earlier today: https://lemmy.world/post/25413215
attractive is highly subjective tho
idk who that is, but it’s in wikipedia
bold move to try and smear someone who already covered himself in feces