• 43 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • Swede here, in general thw Swedes are very law abiding, there are plenty of laws and regulations that carries no punnishment, but they are still followed.

    When I need to speak with say the tax authority, I call the general customer service number, and adopt a persona of positivity and friendlyness, I speak to them as a coworker that I need help from, this is simply because we are both trying to solve the issue.

    When talking to my manager at work or even the CEO, we talk like coworkers, we joke, talk about the weekend and lunch recommendations. I know they are my managers, they know that I know that as well, there is no need to keep enforcing it in our day to day tasks.

    Talking to Police is done politely and relaxed, I have never been mistreated, though I am white and clearly Swedish who lives a quiet life.

  • Wow, you still don’t get it.

    Show me a Linux phone that is actually configured to unlock with both biometrics and pin, then you have proven that Linux is relevant.

    I don’t care about what is technically possible, I care about it actually being done.

    I am not even asking if it is easy to setup or simple to use, I am just asking you to prove that it can be done on a Linux phone.

    I am just asking for a proof of concept running on a Linux phone.

    I am giving Linux the best possible chance here, the bare minimum.

    The tasks I want to see done on a Linux phone is the following:

    1. Prompt for a fingerprint, face scan, or any quick biometric.
    2. Once passed the biometric prompt successfully, the phone should prompt for a pin.
    3. once passed both prompts the phone should unlock.

    I love Linux, I have been a Linux sysadmin for almost a decade and used Linux on and off for almost twenty years. I daily drive Windows due to work and gaming, but am considering switching to Linux at home when Win10 goes EOL.

    But unless you can show me a Linux phone configured as described above then Linux is not the answer.

    For the time being I wish you a happy midsummer.