Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

  • 87 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • “Waahhh” huh? What a ridiculous reply.

    Okay, how’s Tommy Tuberville? But who cares. I’m not visiting your “x” link but sources I’ve seen don’t even have pelosi in the top 10. Republicans are just obsessed with attacking her even now that she’s not Speaker. Talk about “waahhh”. That’s fine, if you want to engage in massive hypocrisy, wring your hands about imaginary problems and pretend everything bad is democrats, that’s very on brand for conservatives.

    Anyway, yes, you should be concerned about ethical lapses of Congress members even if you don’t recognize their names.

  • Seems like an overly generous interpretation. They want to change this because insurance companies never wanted it, since they don’t want to have to actually pay money out for people who are sick.

    It’s worth noting too that while the article says one idea is of course “todays healthy could be tomorrow’s sick”, a more persuasive point may be that todays sick could be tomorrow’s healthy. Or, even imagine, preventative care. Personally I was self employed in my 20s and 30s and thought it was okay to have no health insurance because I was young and healthy. Self employment is about the worst situation for US health insurance. Turns out I wasn’t healthy. The progression of what was going on with me ended up destroying my productivity. From a societal, financial view, being shut out of medical care was a net loss for everyone - if I’d had access to a relatively small and cheap amount of preventative care, I would have ended up contributing far more in economic activity and taxes over my lifetime, versus now where I consume more in healthcare than I would have otherwise as well.

  • The official position of lemmy leftists tends to be that Democrats are the same as Republicans because they’re both ‘liberal’, as in the European sense meaning capitalist, which overlooks a whole lot and is an ignorant “both sides are the same” or single issue fixation. I’m not sure how that translates into never criticizing Republicans, though? There are 3-4 people who post stuff like that regularly, especially talk about the ‘genocide’ issue, encourage 3rd party voting etc and never acknowledge comments regarding how voting works in the US, meaning that talking endless shit about Democrats works to get Trump elected, and that getting Trump elected will in no way whatsoever help Palestinians.