I’ve been on a ‘retro’ kick recently, and big-mech time has rolled in.

There’s a game that I cannot remember the name of, but played at a friend’s house like one time and I still remember how insane it was (at the time). The premise that I can remember is either ‘big mechs fighting kaiju’ or ‘big mechs fighting other mechs in a war,’ but the twist was that it wasn’t from the perspective of the cockpit or third person over the shoulder. I remember you had to run around the city (I remember something like an elevated train platform) with your human character to get a visual of the fight, and then you controlled your mech while looking at it from your little human perspective. The mech fighting felt slower paced, almost like controlling a really giant construction wrecking machine. I think it was mid 00s, and maybe the xbox?

  • KitathallaOP
    1 month ago

    I think that’s it! It looks just as I remembered.