I want to make a thread of Lemmy communities that people should know about.

Jerboah (which makes Lemmy usable for me) or my instance have real troubles finding a lot of communities on distant servers, and opening them from Firefox also doesnt work.

We dont need more tech stuff, we need to make Lemmy more useful!

List of Communities




Politiks, worldwide

URL List with cool Servers
  • @isoA
    1 month ago

    Yes, the status is broken. The tool is working but not unsubscribing.

    The source of the problem is that I cannot access the count of local subscribers at the moment. Therefore, it is not clear whether the tool should unsubscribe or not. I’ve created a merge request for this and the problem will be fixed in 0.19.4.

    It looks like reddthat.com is on 0.19.4 and it’s working correctly for them now.