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The original was posted on /r/pathfinder2e by /u/EzekieruYT on 2023-10-07 03:31:07.

OH BOY! It’s been over a year since I’ve done one of these! But hey, better now than never! Here’s my breakdown of all the details and spoilers given out during Paizo LIVE! broadcasted during October 6th, 2023!

The stream starts with a brief introduction with our hosts, Jon Morgantini (He/Him) and Rue Dickey (They/He/Xe). They go over the new format of the show, in which there are three segments divided up by Actions (First Action, Second Action, and Third Action), and then a Q&A section at the end with all of the guests for a final Reaction. They then quickly move on to the First Action Segment…

First Action - Starfinder 2E with Jenny Jarzabski and Dustin Knight:

We start off with the SF2E segment with Jenny Jarzabski (She/Xe) and Dustin Knight (He/Him), interviewed by Jon.

There’s talk of the Mystic Field Test. Jenny says that right now the Starfinder team is talking about potentially having at least 1 Occult Connection for the Mystic. Later, during the Q&A at the end, they mentioned it might be 1 or 2 Connections with the Occult tradition. Nothing concrete, but Jenny’s supposed to be another pass on the Mystic soon.

Dustin mentions how the community took notes on how the meta state of SF2E differs from PF2E, such as the Wild Bond Focus Spell giving Mystics a Fly Speed at Level 1, or how the Mystic has higher health and defenses compared to other casters (probably compared to Sorcerer/Wizard, as Mystic is a 4 slot caster), since Mystics are in much more of a danger being shot at from a distance.

Dustin then goes into there being further abilities and spells for the Connections past Level 5, and Dustin mentioned that the Rhythm Connection will have further Focus Spells to buff and enhance their allies in a solid package. Speaking of enhance, Dustin keep dropping small spoilers here and there from SF1E’s new book, Starfinder Enhanced during the Q&A.

Jon asks what Jenny and Dustin’s favorites things are about the new system. Interestingly enough, Jenny mentions they’re excited for the new Envoy Callouts and new Envoy abilities, as well as the ever-mentioned ability to “cast Gun” as a reliable 3rd action. Dustin is super dope about the futuristic setting and how that lends to naming and describing feats, spells and abilities.

Jon asks about how the magic system is changed with the Three Action Economy. Dustin says the team finds it important to give spellcasters in particular cool and interesting one-action abilities, spells and things to do with your spells. Jenny basically elaborates on Dustin’s points, like how casting Gun, Taking Cover, and other options make the game really cinematic.

Dustin’s Spoiler: Next Field Test will be all about Ancestries. A poll will be posted on social media on which of the ancestries will be in the Field Test.

Jenny’s Spoiler: On 10/18, there will be the first playtest stream for Starfinder 2E, where the Starfinder team will playtest some of their latest goodies!

Second Action - Pathfinder 2E with Sen H.H.S.:

The second segment goes on with Rue interviewing Sen H.H.S. (She/Her).

Sen details what Seasons of Ghosts is all about, and how she’s excited about going back to Tian Xia! She goes further into detail with the main location of the AP, Willowshore in Shenmen.

She goes into how Sen added some of her culture into the AP she’s contributing: Season of Ghosts. That AP has Taiwanese traditions based on their Ghost Month added to the Player’s Guide, where they detail what you need to do and not do during said month. She even details one of those taboos she’s had experience with, with a great tale about her leaving out laundry during the Taiwanese Ghost Month.

Sen then goes into details on writing APs and how they differ from writing for Rulebooks and the Lost Omens books. She hadn’t written APs before, so her having her first AP be the unique 4-part AP instead of the 3 or 6-part APs was interesting.

Going back into Season of Ghosts, there’s Guardian Statues in the shape of spiders, and there’s plenty of spider content in this horrifying AP.

CW: Spiders

The Guardian Statue in the shape of a Spider!

Sen’s Spoiler: There are special environmental effects that occur during the daytime, nighttime, and during the nighttime while it’s raining. These effects come with spooky conditions, and if the party wants to overcome these conditions, there’s something special they’ll need to do.

Willowshore during a rainy night!

And unfortunately, the Third Action for this Paizo LIVE! was removed, as there were production issues with the new board game “Pathfinder: Elemental Stones”. Game Designer Joe Pasini will be back in a future Paizo LIVE! to showcase their new board game.

Reaction - Q&A Time with Jenny, Dustin and Sen!

The stream ended a whole hour early, but not before having a decent-sized chunk dedicated to the interview segment. Both Jon and Rue were there to ask all three guests questions.

Dustin, in relation to a question about wanting to play a Holographic Skittermander, immediately spoils that in Starfinder Enhanced they will have a new Hologram species in there, so you can in fact play a Holographic Skittermander in SF1E.

There’s a good chunk of technical difficulties as they try to ask Sen questions, since her camera wouldn’t work half of the time during the Q&A portion. Damn!

Someone asked Jenny about what would the Occult connection SF2E Mystic offer differently, and unfortunately she didn’t have any concrete details to share. Dustin jumped on the question to spoil another detail from Starfinder Enhanced: The Operative has a new ability called “Psychokinetic Assassin”, which lets you use a weapon with your Psychokinetic Hand spell-like ability. Very spooky, apparently.

Thurston Hillman/OnCallGM was actually in the Twitch chat and was giving out some spoilers and hints himself, too! When Jenny talked about the Occult connection and how a WIS-based caster would work with the Occult tradition, Thurston said "Ties heavily in with the Akashic stuff… so Wisdom kinda works there 📷".

Thurston also had a conversation with someone in the chat about the Operative:

call_me_Res: is operative still going to be So Much™ in SF2e? /joking

OnCallGm: @ call_me_Res No.

OnCallGm: I would be more clear… but the answer would be “Really, No.”

call_me_Res: @ OnCallGm hahaha don’t get me wrong, operative is a cool class! But I have had a not-great experience with an operative build (as a fellow player), so I’m hyped to see it change a bit. :) Thank you!

OnCallGm: Operatives are now super effective at the skill they’re good with. They aren’t the master of having ALL the skills. Having ALL of the skills is more of an envoy niche, as it should be.

Final question of much importance, Jon asked this question from chat: “Are the classes for Starfinder explicitly trying to push the boundaries of the PF2E system or is the new edition just a chance to revamp the identities of classes in a fun new way? Add new bits of flavor, or all of the above?” Dustin describes how they’ve experimented and had to pull back on things, like they’ve had to lower the Mystics healing output or else no one was going to die with a Mystic in their party. Dustin was excited to push some boundaries SF2E didn’t have yet, like having the Soldier be a martial tank with no associated with a deity.

Jenny emphasizes how, while Mystics and Clerics might share some gameplay niches, Mystics will have their own unique identities and that they didn’t just want the SF2E classes to be copycats of PF2E classes. She also talks about how there were some REALLY busted Precog Witchwarper stuff Jenny had that was absolutely ridiculous, and that they’ve had to pull back on.

And that about wraps out the stream! I’ll probably try to write up next week’s Lost Omens Tian Xia stream that’s happening on October 13th from 4-5 PM PDT. So, keep an eye out for that! Thank you so much for reading!