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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Carrion_Luggage on 2023-10-07 16:27:43.

Mine was a year ago and we dated for four months. He was absolute dogshit.

SA Trigger Warning

*Tried to baby trap me two months in, and mentioned naming our future hypothetical daughter after his ex girlfriend *Peed my bed. When I told him he needed to see a doctor, he said he couldn’t figure out his insurance card and asked me to call and make his appointment. I didn’t. I wonder if he still pees the bed. *Tried to coerce me into sex when I had a 104 degree fever and covid. *Promptly abandoned me when I had covid. *Invited me to dinner with his whole family when they served venison, knowing I did not like it. I had to eat it. *Forcing me to stay on top during sex when I said I was tired and done. *Feigning falling asleep anytime I was hurt or sick via text. *Told me all the time how he ALMOST did stuff for me, like he almost bought me flowers, or he almost tried to be romantic. *Texting his ex when I set boundaries, and I caught him. He literally showed me his texting history. I dumped him that night. *He came back three months later, seething, saying he was sorry that, “he didn’t make me feel more secure.” That’s such a bullshit non apology.

I’m sure there is more. I’ll add it as I remember.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

That was my last man.