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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/illumnat on 2023-10-07 19:24:01.

Just going to try summarize as best I can.

Friend contacted Spectrum cable to cancel service due to moving cross-country at end of month. Rep told her she should move to his area of US. Later, he called her from his personal phone playing a “nice guy role” as a veteran. Has since texted her a number of times which she hasn’t looked at or responded to.

His personal phone number (assuming that’s what he called/texted from) is from a location that’s about 1500 miles from her current location. At the end of the month, she will be moving 1500 miles in an opposite direction from his phone’s apparent location and fortunately will not need to open a new Spectrum account for cable.

My feeling was to immediately report this to Spectrum but she’s afraid to report it because he has her name, current address and phone number. She said maybe she should wait a couple weeks and then report it.

I understand her fear, but still feel she should report it right away while call logs etc., are still current and available. She’s naturally feeling very violated and scared right now even though he hasn’t said anything threatening… yet. :-/

What do all of you think? Should this be reported right away or should she wait a couple weeks?

I offered to be on the line with her on a 3-way call with Spectrum if she wants me there for support and will leave the decision to her.

I just hate that there are guys like this out there doing this shit and making women feel scared and not able to just live their lives without worry or fear. *sigh*

Thanks in advance for your advice. I will relay your opinions to her and report back how things go.