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Rip Political Agendas Out of Our Military

  • Eliminate “Diverse-aucrats” (Diversity Bureaucrats)
  • End Woke Operating Policies
  • Ban Woke Indoctrination
  • Focus Veteran Benefits on Supporting Veterans, Not a Social Agenda

Restore Military Standards

  • Recognize Differences Between Men and Women. Eliminate Racial Preferences in the Military. One Standard of Readiness.
  • Reinstate Un-Vaccinated Servicemen
  • Prioritizing Lethality, Readiness, and Capabilities, Not Ideology and Climate Change
  • Stop the Weaponization of Tools Intended to Root Out Legitimate Threats to Good Order and Discipline

Break the Swamp & Promote Accountability

  • Enforce Article 88 (Contempt Toward Officials) of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice which courts have found applies to retired generals and admirals.
  • Cease issuing security clearances to retired Department of Defense senior leadership that go on network and cable news shows and who, as paid analysts, monetize and politicize their access to so-called “inside information.”
  • Institute a cooling off period for Pentagon top officials both before and after their tenure from serving as military contractor board members and lobbyists.
  • Issue an executive order to fire immediately any high-ranking military or intelligence official who knowingly lies under oath to a federal official or Congress.
  • Fire immediately any joint chiefs officer who contacts an enemy counterpart without the knowledge of the president and overrides the authority of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Within 6 months, the performance of all personnel in 4-star command and staff billets will be reviewed. Anyone determined to have promoted policies to the detriment of readiness and warfighting will be asked to resign or otherwise be removed from those positions.

Turn the Tide Against Biden’s Military Recruitment Crisis

  • Restore National Pride in Our Military
  • Expand Recruitment Programming