• roho@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    That is a lie, and shows a complete lack of how a baby is even formed. I work in a level 1 trauma center as a clinical pharmacist. We have had fetuses that have been born as early as 23 weeks and survived but its RARE (age of viability is usually agreed to be 24 weeks) … a healthy fetus will not be aborted past 24 weeks without serious health issues for either the fetus or the mother.

    This is the extreme i’m talking about: https://www.dailywire.com/news/these-8-states-allow-abortion-moment-birth-amanda-prestigiacomo

    Finally, let me just say that the thing that makes me the most pissed off and sick to my stomach is how woman and girls who are raped are forced to carry to term an abomination inside them. They got no choice when they were being raped, and the get no choice to move past that horrible moment in their life. Girls as young as 10 years old, are raped and forced to carry a baby for 9 months, have a C-section because their vaginal canals are too small. Almost every conservative state that banned abortion after the supreme court, purposely left out the carve outs for rape or incest. That is disgusting.

    Let me be clear again; Planned parenthood is not in it for rape victims! if you think so, imo you’re deceived. instead of providing fetus removal as a fix, grown ups should not sleep around before mutual comitment. There are too many broken homes already. Abortion should stay a medical procedure, in case of medical complications and special situations.

    Girls as young as 10 years old, are raped and forced to carry a baby for 9 months, have a C-section because their vaginal canals are too small. Almost every conservative state that banned abortion after the supreme court, purposely left out the carve outs for rape or incest. That is disgusting.

    That indeed is horrible reality for the kids. i’m not saying ban abortion. I’m saying don’t normalize it.

    Oh also, women are being forced to bleed out in their cars … purposely left out the for rape or incest

    That’s horrible indeed. Why the c-section part is missing? They must have addressed the rape topic during legislation.

    What i learned of abortion victims (via an event i went), is the missing aftercare at “planned parenthood” for women thinking abortion is a pretty mild procedure, but found out the hard way and are left with trauma.