Another way that we are literally killing ourselves is by our widespread use of plastics that contain cancer-causing chemicals.

When we dispose of a plastic item, it slowly starts breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces. Over time, the pieces become so small that they can barely be seen. There are trillions upon trillions of these “microplastics” in the air, water and soil all over the planet. In fact, researchers have found microplastics wherever they have looked. They have been discovered in the remotest parts of the Earth, they are in the rain that falls from the sky, and they now make up approximately 40 percent of the dust in our homes.

Unfortunately, these microplastics often contain cancer-causing chemicals, and studies have shown that exposure to microplastics can cause “cell death”…

Microplastic particles can cause cell death, cellular wall damage and allergic reactions in humans – at levels ingested by people via their food, a study has warned.

Researchers led from the University of Hull reviewed 17 previous studies on the toxicological impacts of microplastics on human cells in a laboratory setting.

The team then compared the levels of microplastics required to cause cellular damage with those taken in via drinking water, seafood and table salt.

If you get enough plastic in your system, you will die.