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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/maxrave26 on 2023-10-13 09:42:40.

SimpMusic - A simple music app using YouTube Music for the backend

SimpMusic is a free, open-source, and no-ads streaming music app. SimpMusic used YouTube Music and YouTube data for the backend. SimpMusic has many features now:

  • Play music from YouTube Music or YouTube free without ads in the background
  • Browsing Home, Charts, Moods & Genre with YouTube Music data with high speed
  • Search everything on YouTube
  • Analyze your playing data, create custom playlists and sync with YouTube Music …
  • Caching and can save data for offline playback
  • Synced lyrics from Musixmatch
  • Support SponsorBlock
  • Sleep Timer
  • And many more

Try it now and give me a star on Github. Thanks <3