We’re getting a slow but steady stream of signups, but most of you are just lurking. Creating at least one post or comment helps boost our active user count, which in turn gets us higher on the join-lemmy.org website so that more people see our little corner of the Fediverse when deciding where to sign up. I don’t expect to ever be one of the major servers of the Lemmiverse, but I do think the more people we have here the more fun it will be.

To that end, please leave a comment here introducing yourself to the server, especially if you have been lurking up till now. Or, just go out there and comment anywhere on Lemmy (it doesn’t have to be on our instance) so that you are counted as active!

  • Howdy! I’ve been lurking since… when was the Reddit blackout again? Around then. Came across this community in one of the various lemmy instance browsers out there (don’t recall which), and as a fan of Gibson and the Sprawl Trilogy, how could I not check y’all out? Seems like a chill corner of the fediverse to hang my hat, with a focus on discussions relative to my interests, so hey, finally submitted the application. Thanks for having me!

    Fun Fact: I’ve been naming devices on my internal network after AI from media for decades now. You better believe Neuromancer and Wintermute have stayed on that list.