I’m an Emacs newbie (using Doom Emacs with GNU Emacs 29.1). I came from vim, and battling with undo there was crazy enough, but I won using this:

inoremap  u
inoremap  u
inoremap  u
inoremap  u
inoremap  u
inoremap  u
inoremap  u
inoremap , ,u
inoremap . .u
inoremap ( (u
inoremap [ [u
inoremap = =u
inoremap \" \"u
inoremap  u
inoremap  u

Also, I had autogroup that breaks undo every 4 seconds.

Basically, this configuration breaks undo on almost every possible type command, every Spacebar, Enter, comma, bracket, moving up, down, everything. This is because I hate when undo deletes the whole screen of text.

How do I replicate this in Emacs? I read this, but it doesn’t say what is considered a “recent change”.