Doxepin Seroquel. Ambien Used to take mirtazapine (antidepressants but it also made me fall asleep hella fast). Now I’m waiting for melatonin pills to arriveI’m on hydroxyzine and seroquel for unrelated reasons but they knock my ass out. I’m no longer taking anything for sleep. But 50-75 mg of diphenhydramine used to knock me on my ass. Amitriptyline. Sleep is an off label use but makes me drowsy and helps me stay asleep.Hydroxyzine all the way. It’s basically prescription strength Benadryl, knocks me out for at least a solid 6 hours. I was originally prescribed it for anxiety (take it when symptoms/panic begin to set in similar to a benzo) but as my anxiety levels have decreased over the last year or so, I use it almost exclusively to induce sleep.