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The original was posted on /r/opensource by /u/I-Downloaded-a-Car on 2023-10-20 09:17:54.

Not tryna harsh anyone’s mellow, Gimp is a good photo editing software and I use it daily.

It feels like not much has changed with it in the past 10 years with Gimp. It wasn’t ever really as powerful as Photoshop and now it feels like it has the same capabilities as it did back then while PS has jumped further ahead. This stands out to me since other open source software in the space has been improving rapidly. Blender is punching in the same weight class as Max and Maya; Krita is objectively one of the best digital painting apps available even compared to paid solutions; Godot has been making strides recently and it seems only a matter of the time until it truly is the Blender of game engines. Then Gimp is just… Gimp.