Total pissbaby and notorious apartheid emerald mine heir, kinder kirche kürche fan, and aspiring feudalist, Elon Musk, is at again: throwing an expensive tantrum, tying up courts in the process.
Total pissbaby and notorious apartheid emerald mine heir, kinder kirche kürche fan, and aspiring feudalist, Elon Musk, is at again: throwing an expensive tantrum, tying up courts in the process.
that would make much more sense as they’re the ones who took action to screw Musk over in this way by offering such a huge overpayment to the firm at the last minute. Thing is: Twitter’s former board no longer exists as an entity to sue, so Musk is suing the only entity he can: the law firm.
And I’m sure the former board members knew that when they did this. lol