• DrPupfurz@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Yep, and the most wild thing is nobody knew it was going to happen.

    She called the doctor a few weeks after her surgery saying her boobs seemed to be growing larger and they said give it a few months and maybe it will settle down. She called back after 6 months and said they’re still growing and they said in that case we have no idea!

    It depended how much implant material a woman had.

    I read that some women (porn stars who wanted huge boobs) had such a strong growth reaction their skin couldn’t handle it and soon after they HAD to get them removed or it things would have gotten very bad.

    Other “normal” women who were part of the trial had a little growth but nowhere near as much as it stopped.

    Chelsea seemed to be in a “Goldilocks” zone where they grew, but not too fast, and never stopped. She was basically the only person who could ever have gotten this huge, and she allowed it to happen.

    The implant material itself didn’t absorb water, but the “irritation” caused the body to try to surround the implant with fluid, a bit like a splinter. But the implant was a tightly bunched up string, like fishing wire, and because Chelsea had so much implanted it would always just unravel more and always be causing this reaction and the growth never stopped.

    When she looked for a solution outside of removing the implants doctors realised they could drain the fluid buildup to temporarily relieve pressure and make her boobs smaller again. But obviously they’d gradually just continue to swell, eventually reaching the size they’d been and then growing again. And the more her skin stretched the more easily they filed back up again, so they were always getting bigger even with drains.

    Wild is absolutely the word.

    • NoiseInTheVoid_444@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      You went way further down the rabbit hole than I. Thank you for all the information! It’s certainly fascinating as a case study! I can’t imagine wanting that much mass on my chest in the first place, so it’s interesting to see the occurrence of such extremes

      • DrPupfurz@lemmy.worldOP
        1 year ago

        Yeah, it’s mad.

        I reckon if she’d been told in advance what would happen she’d have said no way, but I guess it’s like so many things in life where if they change very gradually you lose sight of the overall picture.

        Probably at every stage she thought “Well, I’m definitely handling this ok right now and I’ve adjusted well enough. Maybe they’ll only grow a bit more now and I can handle that.”

        Ask anyone if they could handle 10,000cc boobs and they’d say no, never in a million years. But ask if they think they could handle 100cc bigger boobs and they’d say I guess so, sure. In her case it was only ever very gradual growth, barely even perceptible week to week. But over huge periods of time it obviously adds us massively.