Glancing at the reddit, you’d think all is normal in the world.

It just seems like a fucking message board now, and the war isn’t even fucking being discussed.

They didn’t “ban Z posting”, they fucking neutered the Anti-West energy.

It is entirely gone.

Now hypothetical posts about fucking Xi Xingping meeting Stalin?? While a fucking war involving the Fourth Reich is going on the subreddit just acts like now is the time to fucking fantasize about xi Xingping meeting Stalin.

    2 years ago

    Yes. This is currently the most important event that is happening. It can as well probably change the power structure in the entire world. Not to mention it is probably the most propagandised event in the history of the world. We MUST know what is happening lest we fall to the imperialist western propaganda.

    The only effect GenZedong is achievieng is to make people there cut off from the info and left solely to the western media.