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What is Lemmy?
Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.
Major Changes
This release includes major improvements to performance, specifically optimizations of database queries. Special thanks to @phiresky, @ruud, @sunaurus and many others for investigating these. Additionally this version includes a fix for another cross-site scripting vulnerability. For these reasons instance admins should upgrade as soon as possible.
As promised, captchas are supported again. And as usual there are countless bug fixes and minor improvements, many of them contributed by community members.
Upgrade instructions
Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.
If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.
Support development
We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation.
If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. No one likes recurring donations, but they’ve proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.
By the way the linked instances have all been fucked up. Now tchncs is also federating with all the instances that were previously in the block list… Only is blocked now.
My All page is starting to fill up with nasty stuff…
uh! thanks for the heads up, will readd the blocked instances shortly :o
Thank you for all your effort!
The Federation website states that this instance has sign-ups disabled (I haven’t tested it). Is that true? If so due to performance issues or because of the not working capcha implementation?
thanks for reminding me to put the readded captcha back in place :P – no, they are not disabled but right now people need to write a reason and get approved. i may try to disable that barrier since the captcha is back again soon :)
I actually kind of like having that “write a reason” part too, so people need to show a minimum amount of effort/interest for joining.
Thx for your time and work, Milan
Juicy performance…