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The original was posted on /r/ufo by /u/TehNext on 2023-10-31 09:01:20.

Hi, I’ve only ever told a few folks about this and just last week during a discussion at work I disclosed it to the usual "what were you smoking?’ Etc type comments.

Around nine years ago at about 2am I had been enjoying my evening with a few beers. I had went to my back garden for a ciggare6 and was looking up and enjoying the clear night sky and the tranquility of the night. This is when ~seven it eight red lights just blinked into existence. They were still in formation around each other.

I immediately thought to myself that this was unusual but tried to rationalize and thought they were probably drones. That’s when they started to move around each other in a very well orchestrated manner that displayed a high skill level of drone flying off they were indeed drones.

What happened next dispelled my initial thought of them being drones.

Each one shot off in different directions. Given it was dark it was hard to estime the distance they each went but having grown up in the area I had to guess reference against darkened buildings, hills etc and I reckon they all went about one mile in all directions. They moved extremely smoothly and fast. Fast as in they each got to about a mime away in about two seconds. Whilst splitting away from each other they also made little smooth curving patterns. They then would reassemble in the original cluster and repeat, split, come together. It almost felt as though they were doing a little dance display.

I’m a great believer in extraplanetery live so try to be as skeptical and rationale as I can with such things so as not to jump to conclusions. For all my thinking ask these years later I still cannot work out what I had seen that night.

Is this a known/documented experience? Had anyone else seen anything likr it?

Thanks for reading my experience.