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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/Ouroboros612 on 2023-11-02 21:49:53.

Have you ever been close to dying, or in a situation where you could easily have died?

  1. No. Not to my knowledge.

  2. Yes. But only once or twice.

  3. Yes. Many, many times.

This might be a very small sample pool. However if many people vote and it goes in the extreme towards one vote. It could be interesting. What’s your thoughts on quantum immortality in general? Have you had many close to death / dying encounters?

I made this post because I’m so far into (3) I consider it a statistical anomaly that I’m still alive. Who knows. Maybe we are all dead already?

Edit: I will compile the results into a % and add the results here in couple of days. In retrospect, this would have been a hell of alot easier if I just made a strawpoll.