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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/Direct-Caterpillar77 on 2023-11-03 05:03:14.

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/AnActualMudpup

My MIL Photoshopped my husbandā€™s nose on our wedding pictures. How do I tell him?

Originally posted to r/JUSTNOMIL & r/entitledparents

TRIGGER WARNING: Verbal abuse, emotional abuse and manipulation, harassment, body shaming

Grossing MIL out on purposeĀ  July 28, 2023

For as long as Iā€™ve known my husband, MIL has had a weird habit of complaining about everything he owns or does. As our relationship progressed, she began to do the same to me. It usually starts with a compliment (ā€œOh, thatā€™s a nice chair!ā€), which is immediately followed by her whining to DH (ā€œI never got to buy such nice chairs, I always had to spend my money on you and your brother!ā€).

It got a hundred times worse when we moved in together (he DARED to move 30 minutes away from her), a thousand times worse when we got married back in May (the woman wanted us to book a smaller venue, because her own wedding was just so tiny), and a million times worse earlier this month, when we told her I was pregnant.

ā€œOh, it would be nice if you had a natural birth! You know, both of mine had to be c-sections because of all the complications I had.ā€ LADY, Iā€™M TWO MONTHS ALONG.

She basically tries to guilt-trip her own son and DIL out of having nicer things than her. I never let it bother me, but Iā€™ve noticed DH has been getting more upset about this lately.

A couple weeks ago, I noticed sheā€™d stopped whining about our dog. When I asked DH, he told me MIL had stepped on doggy crap while they were out on a walk. Her favorite heels got dirty. She cleaned them up, but was still clearly disgusted. Apparently, thatā€™s all it took for her to stop commenting on how she could never have dogs because FIL hated them.

So I had an idea.

Throughout this past month, Iā€™ve been finding new ways to invoke her disgust before she gets the chance to make my husband feel guilty for ever being a child.

She likes my dress? ā€œThanks! My great-grandma died in it!ā€

She likes our couch? ā€œThanks! The dog puked in it last night!ā€

She likes our new car? ā€œThanks! Your future grandchild was conceived in the backseat!ā€

She likes my vinyl collection? ā€œThanks! Wait 'till you see all my Nickelback LPs!ā€

Just kidding. I donā€™t have any Nickelback LPs.

Point is, itā€™s working! MIL has complained less this month than she has in the 6 years since I met DH.

Is it because she thinks weā€™re gross? Maybe. But I honestly donā€™t care.

EDIT: I feel the need to state that I donā€™t hate Nickelback. I just donā€™t love them enough to buy their LPs.

MIL is upset weā€™re not having a girlĀ  Aug 31, 2023

Iā€™m 17 weeks pregnant. From the very beginning, MIL was convinced her first grandbaby was going to be a girl.

Literally days after we announced I was expecting, she gave us two packs of pink onesies, started referring to my barely developed blob child as ā€œLauraā€ (apparently the name she wanted for the daughter she never had) and called my 94-year-old grandmother just to get her to confirm boys arenā€™t common in my paternal family. Sheā€™s been pestering us about a gender reveal party since the start of my second trimester, and threw a small tantrum when we told her we werenā€™t having one.

Sheā€™s been rude about every decision we made about the baby. She hated all our boy and girl names, criticized our nursery ideas and has been insistent on me having a natural birth (which I probably will anyway, but both her deliveries were c-sections, so I have no idea where thatā€™s coming from). It became clear that she wholeheartedly thought Iā€™d only gotten pregnant to make her a grandma.

Anyway, neither me or DH cared about our babyā€™s sex, but we spontaneously decided to find out during my latest ultrasound this week. Itā€™s a boy! Weā€™re over the moon.

When we got home, I called my mom. Sheā€™s excited! I called my dad. Heā€™s surprised! I called my sister. Sheā€™s happy! Everyoneā€™s happy!

DH called his mom.

Someone put that poor injured dolphin out of its misery, for the love of Christ.

I swear, I could hear her banshee wailing from across the living room. The phone wasnā€™t even on speaker. Toni Coletteā€™s character in Hereditary had less of a breakdown.

DH let her cry and scream incoherently (Iā€™m pretty sure she was saying ā€œMy Laura!ā€ between her sobs) for about a minute before he told her to call him back when sheā€™s calmer and hung up on her.

He was devastated. I think that up until that point he hadnā€™t registered how obsessed his mom was with us having a girl, he just thought she was excited to find out the sex. He was so excited to tell her.

I managed to cheer him up, and we told a couple more people. We told his brother, who was very happy for us. Some of our friends didnā€™t even know we were pregnant, so we included the sex in our announcement. The next day, we were going over our boy names to figure out which worked best with our last names. Thatā€™s when MIL called us back.

We were both hoping sheā€™d apologize for her tantrum. Instead, she immediately started going on about dozens of articles sheā€™d read about how often ultrasounds were inaccurate and questioning my doctorā€™s qualifications based on what university sheā€™d gone to.

A screaming match started between her and DH. He was telling her off for reacting the way she did. She was trying to defend herself (and failing miserably) by claiming it was our fault, that we knew how much this meant to her and that weā€™d ā€œruined her dayā€ by blindsiding her the way we did.

My favorite part?

MIL: ā€œAnd you had to tell me now? You couldnā€™t wait until the gender reveal?ā€

DH: ā€œMom, for the tenth time, WE WERENā€™T DOING A GENDER REVEAL!ā€

And after some back and forth, it turns out she thought we were going to throw a surprise gender reveal party. Just for her. Yeah, right.

MIL eventually did apologize for upsetting us, but still made it very clear she was ā€œdisappointedā€. We donā€™t care. She lives half an hour away and hates driving to our place, so itā€™s not like weā€™ll see her much until the babyā€™s here. Weā€™re still pissed, but weā€™re used to that. Feeding the Kraken never helps.

So in conclusion, weā€™re having a son. And if we ever have a daughter, weā€™re not naming her Laura.

EDIT: To clarify, MIL was never expecting a girl and never experienced any pregnancy losses. She always wanted a girl, but had two sons instead. Laura was the name she always wanted to give her daughter, not the name of a child she lost. Iā€™d be more sympathetic if she was grieving, but thatā€™s not the case.

Original PostĀ  Oct 20, 2023

I (27F) have been with my husband (29M) for 7 years. I remember that early in our relationship, one of the first things he expressed insecurity about was his nose. Specifically, about its width. He never wanted surgery, but thinks his nose is ā€œtoo big for his faceā€. I never thought that true, and for a long time, I wondered where heā€™d gotten that idea from.

Then I met his mother, and all my doubts went out the window. I donā€™t hate her, but the woman complains about EVERYTHING. And she seems particularly interested in criticizing her sons. Barely anything about my husband or his older brother is good enough for her, and if it is, she is quick to imply they donā€™t deserve it. According to my BIL, that behavior didnā€™t start until FIL passed (about 8 years ago), so they donā€™t usually hold it against her. But to me, it seems like she legitimately doesnā€™t want her children to be happy.

Most times we talk to her, my husband ends up devastated. She constantly complains about me, his job, our apartment and his appearance. She has, on more than one occasion, suggested he get a nose job. That tends to upset him, so I always try to shut that down as quickly as possible.

We got married in early May. The photos were ready about two months later, and we created a shared album on Google Photos for our friends and family, including MIL.

I got pregnant during our honeymoon (canā€™t recommend Dubrovnik enough), and Iā€™m now 24 weeks along. Weā€™ve had problems with MIL concerning my pregnancy (weā€™re having a boy, and she had a breakdown because she wanted a girl) that forced us to put her on an info diet.

That was two months ago, and she has since improved her behavior. Because of that, we said yes when she invited us to go to a mall near her place to shop for baby clothes last Saturday. My husband had an emergency at work and ended up not coming, but we still managed to have a good time.

When we were done, she invited me back to her place. I hadnā€™t been there in a while, and I quickly saw that sheā€™d gotten some of our wedding pictures up on the wall. I instantly noticed something was wrong with them, but I couldnā€™t pinpoint what it was yet.

MIL saw what I was looking at and proudly announced that sheā€™d gotten someone to ā€œfix his noseā€.

In other words, she gave her son a Photoshop nose job.Ā On his wedding pictures.

I couldnā€™t believe it. I never thought sheā€™d stoop so low. It wasnā€™t even a good nose job; it was so bad that my husbandā€™s face didnā€™t look real. He looked like a Ken doll, and not in the hot Ryan Gosling way.

MIL mustā€¦

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