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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/slicedgreenolive on 2023-11-03 18:52:38.

As soon as the sun sets my fatigue lightens up slightly and I’m able to do some light stuff around the house, or just have a little more motivation in general.

I don’t believe it’s my circadian rhythm as I go to sleep before midnight every night and wake up around 9-10:00am consistently.

I do lay in bed all day but not because I want to but because I’m so fatigued. I so badly want to get up and do something but my body crashes the minute I try to do anything.

Once it’s dark out, I start to be able to do something (some laundry, dishes, etc)

I believe there’s something mental going on but can’t identify it.

I take vyvanse and Wellbutrin in the morning and Lexapro in the evening. (Been taking these for many years, prior to CFS)