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The original was posted on /r/monero by /u/theprivacydad on 2023-11-03 17:59:16.

I posted a different question about this on the mining subreddit, but am now more curious about this map:

It’s the first I have heard about this map, but I found my Monero node with my actual IP address on it. How did it get there? I never published my IP to this site. If possible, can other people who run public nodes check if your IP is on there?

Secondly, Seth for Privacy mentioned this should not be a concern, because of running nodes behind Tor. But is this the default state when I set up monerod - p2pool - xmrig, or do I have to do some extra work to hide the IP address of my actual location?

Could it be my IP address is on the map because I participate in p2pool?