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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/BrodyAngel on 2023-11-05 13:49:49.

I’m in tears.

My life already fucking sucks with this condition, and now all people want to do is downplay my condition and call it propaganda, or tell me I’m “just a confused teen like the rest.”

I already attempted to take my own life a year ago at 15 because of how hopeless and trapped I felt, and when I finally get on HRT I still feel guilt that all I look like to people is another confused teen damaging their "sacred and most Holy" body to “cater to a mental illness”. I still think about killing myself because of how shitty things tend to be towards transgender/transsexual people no matter what, but hold back because I don’t want to add another number to the statistics that people like to shove in my face when they want to convince me to detransition and join their side.

I tried for so long to just “love myself” like people so often suggest, but I can’t fucking do that. This isn’t the body I was supposed to have. I can try so hard to say, “my curves are amazing! I love my chest!” but it won’t cure the fact that I wasn’t meant to be with this useless piece of shit body.

HRT brought me some hope and happiness in my life, but someone may just wanna take it right away from me because they think I’m another stupid teen who was “brainwashed” by the lgbtq+.

My dad had some trouble getting my prescription refilled a bit ago so that fear sometimes feel like it may come true and I’ll have to go back to being absolutely miserable and trying to kill myself once more.

Fuck, I just wanna live my life happily. The past 15-ish years were already miserable for me in so many ways. I’m 16, and I just wanna live an average 16 year old high schooler life, not be caught up in politics and fight tooth and nail explaining why I’m not going to creep on your children and end the next generation with my pronouns.