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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Stykleon on 2023-11-05 23:37:57.

I’ve had multiple smurfs in my games over the past few weeks. There were less for sure when the ban wave dropped, but within a month I’ve seen a bigger swarm of smurfs than ever before (I mostly play 3 or 5 stacks). I’ve reported every single one for smurfing, most of them for communication because they tend to be toxic. Not a single smurfing report has gone through in my reports list, however they do get punished for toxic chat and voice.

I don’t understand, is it really that hard to punish 300 win accounts that go 20/0 every other game? Valve talked about routinely banning out smurfs, but it has been over 2 months now and the game state is as bad as it was.