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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/k4947 on 2023-11-05 09:45:41.

I can’t really have any close male friends because I can sense that they see me as a girl and it makes me feel extremely dysphoric. There’s also been times I met someone online and they knew I was trans and dysphoric, I thought we got along, then we meet irl and it feels like a fucking date. They hold doors for me or let me go first and shit, tell me I’m cute. I wish I could be stealth, but I’m not on T, and I’d be paranoid they clock me. If anyone knows your biological sex they can’t see past it anymore. They say “I respect you I understand you I don’t see you as a woman”, but then some small shit happens and you realize it’s fucking lies. Everyone can only see your biological sex, unless you 100% pass. Interacting with guys makes me fucking sick. But for some reason it’s not that bad with women, I feel like they can see you as a person and they don’t do stupid shit. There are normal guys so I don’t talk about every man ever, but mostly when I’m getting close to someone, they start being a fucking weirdo.