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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/Turbulent_Dimensions on 2023-11-06 02:37:39.

My father says to me the other day that he thinks I have too much time on my hands. I need a job to occupy myself and make me happy.

For one thing a job has never been a source of happiness for me.

I’m a SAHP. Even though I have CFS and celiac disease and pernicious anemia I still try my best to take care of as much as I can. I get my kids to school, laundry, cook, mop, trash, yard work, pet care, groceries. And I crash repeatedly and do it all over again.

My father says well you just mopped this floor, you could do that for an employer. Like an employer is going to work around my unreliable body. I do these things WHEN I CAN. And it’s really only when I barely can get it done. I frequently nap twice a day.

I cannot afford to give anything to an employer. What little I have goes to my families care.