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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/BlackberryAgile193 on 2023-11-06 07:15:21.

I’ve noticed a ton of posts in the last week or so discussing “clocky trans names”. I want to give some information that I think might be helpful for a lot of people currently trying to discern these types of names.

First off, it is highly dependent on your location. Names can be clocky if they’re out of place; like choosing a formal English name (I.e. Oliver) when you live in southern US states. If you look at men and women in your town, state or country. It might give you a better idea of what names are more common.

Secondly, another big factor in clocky names is that they are more popular within people born in the last five years, rather than within your age group. Names like Kai are popular for gen alpha but almost unheard of in older gen z or millenials.

If you truly want to name that will not hit anyone’s radar, I recommend googling “popular boys/girls names (birth year) (country)” and finding one in the top 20 or so.

None of this is necessary, and to be honest if you pass physically 95% of people won’t even bat an eye, even if you have an “out of place” name. My name is slightly clocky, despite it being one of the top 20 names for my country and birth year, but in my experience, no one has clocked me based on my name alone.