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The original was posted on /r/godot by /u/Lordloss_ on 2023-11-06 14:44:24.

Hey there,

i recently created a simple Tetris game as a showcase project to demonstrate some basic features of the Godot engine. I thought it would be nice to make it open source so new users of Godot or people who switch from Unity can take a look at it and maybe tinker with it. I also commented the code to explain some things which are going on. You can get the project on GitHub or play it in the browser on

Here are some subjects that get addressed in this game:

  • Rendering a game with a tilemap / changing tilemaps with code
  • snappy intuitive inputs (hopefully)
  • instancing of scenes
  • timers
  • signals / connecting signals by code
  • basic crappy UI / updating UI with signals
  • Autoload scripts as global singletons

and much more. It would be cool if you check it out. Maybe give some feedback or do with it whatever you like.