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The original was posted on /r/wow by /u/Alterity008 on 2023-11-06 16:52:17.

I think one of the biggest points about these Delves that’s being overlooked is that it’s not even really so much about getting more gear to solo(or hardcore raider/mythic+ ppl may call them “casual”) players, it’s that it is actually giving those types of players a REASON to get excited about getting new gear, it gives them something to do with it.

For a long time WoW has been at this place where it has really excellent compelling content for super hardcore PVE players that aspire to Mythic Raiding or people who push Mythic+ keys up to level 20 and beyond. Those people obviously are excited to get gear because that gear then enables them to go do a higher Mythic+ key level or makes their raid stronger to make Heroic or Mythic raiding more likely to be successful.

But if you’re just a for fun player that just likes living in the world and playing fun content then getting better gear isn’t really a huge W for you since you can already completely wreck open world mobs in like freshly leveled greens. As it is right now for those players they can go do the Tuskar feast which is cool or the weekly Fyrak assault thing which is cool and maybe the Dreamsurge stuff which is less cool IMO, but other then that what do you do? You kinda just hang out in Veldrakken.

The reason I as a more hardcore Mythic+ player am stoked for these is as follows…

1st I’m a no-lifer who plays A LOT of WoW and this will be something fun to do when my Mythic+ team isn’t on but

2nd This sort of content is really important to draw the masses of noobs(I say this lovingly, I was once a noob, we all were) back to put the Massively in the Massively Multiplayer Online that WoW is. It just makes the world feel so much more alive to have a huge population of people on your realm at various skill levels doing various activities running this way and that off to their various different destinations, bustling around with purpose. And seriously, what good is being a Mythic raider if there are no noobs in the capitol city gawking at you and looking up to you and admiring you =)? I vividly remember in Vanilla being a little nublet walking around Ironforge and there would be Nax raiders from the best guilds on my server standing on the pillar on the bridge in front of the AH showing off their gear. You need the full strata of skill levels/player types to make it feel like a living breathing world.

3rd, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, real life stuff comes up and people burn out after a bit and have to take breaks, so if you can get a massive amount of more casual people back into the game initially for Delves, some percentage of them may discover a real passion for improving and getting better at the game and they may convert over to start dabbling in raiding/running Mythic+ and that will serve as the new lifeblood that WoW needs to keep raid rosters filled and to ensure that a healthy number of keys are getting ran at different times throughout the day.

So what do you guys think? I’d be interested to hear peoples takes on this, I’ve not seen a lot of discussion on this particular aspect of the Delves. As much as I loved pretty much everything that got presented at this years Blizzcon for WoW I really think this Delve system is THE single best thing announced, maybe along with the Warband stuff that also caters to more casual achievement hunter/mount farmer types.