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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Classic_Education_83 on 2023-11-06 18:47:23.

I (20F) worked for this company for a year, and due to a severe lack of options and being in need of work experience, I let myself stay in a situation where I had no labor rights apart from my salary. After a year of improvement of my skills, lots of unpaid overtime (A LOT OF IT) and stressful borderline abusive feedback and belittling, my boss wants me to sign a contract (that would ‘formalise’ everything and make it seem like I am a freelancer and not his employee - another thing employers do to dodge taxes) and planning for 2024, I asked for a raise that would make my life comfortable and balance out the stress that comes from the job. My request (I asked 3 times) was denied.

I need him to fire me because that way I would be within my rights to take him to court for all the labor rights he’s avoided in this year. But I think he knows that would happen, so he won’t fire me. And I won’t quit because it would benefit him. I don’t know what to do. He said it between the lines that I would be unhirable because he knows everyone in the industry. I feel like giving up entirely.